Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Balcony Day

Balcony Day. Number One.

Today was quite possibly the first official balcony day of the year. A few Sundays ago might have counted as a balcony day, but you can't really have a balcony day on a weekend, or vacation day. You know the days I am talking about...

I'm walking down the hall, and I look outside and I can see the beautiful blue sky, and I just know that the weather outside is perfect. And the day is going great. Things make sense. I'm taking care of neat kids, caring parents, my attending is in clinic in the morning, so I get to round on all the kids, see a new kid, and have a little autonomy in the morning, before he comes for afternoon rounds, agrees with my plans from my morning notes, and then he even takes the time to take me down to the hematology lab and review some slides under the microscope. I still manage to sneak away from work at a decent time, and all of a sudden I feel like a kid who has a half day. And all I want to do is sit on my balcony, send a text message to my flatmate saying this is a balcony afternoon, which mandates that we will take our kitchen chairs and sit out on the balcony drinking beer and listening to our balcony CD. Of course, I don't have a balcony anymore. I don't have that cool flatmate anymore. But that's ok... The important thing is realizing that sometimes, ya just gotta stop and admire the moment.

I know, you're wondering why can't you have a balcony day on a weekend. Think about it...

Ok, it's way late, and I have to finish up a presentation for tomorrow.


PS-Hope you have a balcony day soon.