Tuesday, March 11, 2008


yeah, lots going on.

Work: Love and Hate.
Love working in pedi land. Taking care of kids is great. Seeing kids getting better is great. Working with some great attendings.
Hate: Not going to mention it here.

I am taking care of some beautiful babies right now. Two who have infections and are going to turn out gorgeous after finishing IV antibiotics/antivirals. I also have one adorable infant who was abused beyond belief but amazing may still develop normally and who has an awesome foster mom lined up to care for her. I offered to take this kiddo home! (Well, not really, but I'd love to be a foster uncle).

Just got over food poisoning. It's a great way to drop 3 pounds really quick. Though sleeping for 18 hours on my only day off was not great. Being positively orthostatic and dizzy on standing was a fun cheap high though.

Have heard rumor that I'm getting a medical license for SA.

Bought a ticket to fly to South Africa-leaving June 21st.

Just really working a lot right now. Am trying to figure out what I like best about my job, and what I like least. I like my autonomy. I like that the attendings who know me and respect my opinion. I like that I usually have a good idea of what to do. I like that my skills have improved over the years. I don't like realizing how much I still don't know. I don't like supervising interns and medical students. I'm not really sure I'll seek an academic post after residency.

Time to go read up a bit..