Well, it was nice to be back to work for a few weeks. Until I found out I was getting THE SHAFT at work next month-in that I'll be working solo. Not that I mind so much, because in 11 months I won't have an intern to do the scut work for me, and not that I'll mind much because I'll have a real salary, but what I mind is the unprofessional way in which the program has been handling things...
11 Fucking Months left. Until residency is over.
I was sitting in a meeting today, listening to whining, whining, whining.. all about work load and hours that we work. It's freaking pathetic. Don't get me wrong, I am pretty vocal about things I don't like, but not one to complain about working hard, or long hours-it's our job.
Not that Bara was perfect, but god I wish I could be back there. Shit happens. The job is hard. Like it or get the fuck out.
2 year ago in July, I was a pediatric ward senior resident. We had a great month. I'm not getting the same feeling heading into August.