Sunday, April 06, 2008
Heather, my old flatmate from Dublin came for a visit this weekend. It's been over 2 years since we've hung out (when I went to see her in Pittsburgh). It was like old times. We reminisced about the simplicity of life in Dublin, and the things we took for granted there. We had dinner at The Blue Heron (one of my favorite places) Friday night, and then a drink at the Montague Book Mill, and then made our way home and watched episodes of Sex and the City. Saturday we went to Brattleboro and Shelburne Falls, the two places here I would move to in a heart beat, except they are too far from the hospital. This morning we went to Karin's for brunch, and had a great time hanging with her and the kids. And like that, the weekend is mostly over. Weekends are going fast these days...