I'm on the run.
I'm making a real effort to start running regularly again, and not to just codes in the hospital. I forced myself onto the treadmill, once, and on rare occasion twice a week during the winter. That's a total lie, I can think of one week where I was on the treadmill twice.
Anyway, this past Tuesday was beautiful. I was done at a decent time, and decided to escape away and go for a nice trail run. I picked a gentler path than normal, and ran for about an hour, covering just over 4 miles. And paid the price. Oye pain on Thursday. But, no pain, no gain.. right?
I'm hitting the wall today.
In my post-call-mental-slumber, concentration seems to be lacking. I only have 2 goals today. Get some packing done, and finish a presentation I'm giving tomorrow morning. Packing has been a minor failure. I can't quite part with some books that I haven't opened from med school. The books are all packed. The storage closet has been emptied. Basically all that remains is sorting through clothes. Moving day will be Friday.
I can't resist the pull of the beautiful sunny afternoon.
I'm going to have to give in and make a break for trail run #2. Surely it will hurt less than earlier in the week!