So, it's pretty amazing what you can do to justify buying a things. Let me explain. The thing I really dislike most about my job, it's all the damn paperwork. So, in my quest to reduce the amount of paperwork that have to do on a regular basis, or at least to make it more fun and interesting, I've decided to buy new toys. For example, tonight instead of using the boring keyboard to put this in I'm using my voice recognition software. How did I justify this purchase? Let me tell you..
Whenever someone leaves the hospital, we do this painful process of documenting their entire stay of the hospital with the premise that someone actually reads the pages long of babble that write. So, since I've been spending in oh at least an hour every night working on these summaries, and while I'm not the slowest type or the world, nor the fastest, I've justified buying some voice recognition software. And basically, you are my guinea pigs. Kidding!
So, tonight I'm working on my discharge summaries by dictating them at home. I'm hoping that, while it may not speed up the process, it will at least distract me from the pain associated with doing these damn discharge summaries. There's more though. Did you also know that they make SD cards, which are also jump drives? What this means, essentially, is that the discharge summaries that I start tonight, I will carry around in my palm pilot tomorrow, and update them periodically throughout the day. And as patients get discharged. I merely take the S D card of my palm pilot, plug it into a computer and boom I can get the patient discharged.
Tomorrow is my day to round. It should be a short day, theoretically. In at 8 a.m., and if all goes well, out the door by 2 p.m. That being said, realistically, I know will probably be 3 or 4 p.m.
Anyways, now it's time to put this new toy to work, and crank out some of those damn discharge summaries.
Cheers, Brian