It's just been one of those days. Where the work is good, but the overall experience has just fucking sucked. Actually, this all began yesterday. Yesterday, my co-intern said "this could be the day I quit residency." I thought he was being a bit dramatic. Today, I said "this could be the day I quit residency or rather this residency." I know I was being dramatic. But is it funny, how when you're just stressed out, quitting seems like a good option. Let me explain...
At five o'clock last night, I met with my attending doctor. It had already been a trying day. First off, by five o'clock I should have already signed out and been at home. At 5 p.m., my attending gave me about another hour's worth of tasks that she felt needed to be done. So of course, I did them. Even though they could have waited till today. At six o'clock, I signed out to my co-intern (who thankfully hadn't quit). I then spent two hours with a patient and his family trying to figure out why he wasn't getting better. I left at eight. Four hours past when I should have left.
This morning I started at 6 a.m. By 8 a.m., Molly (our medical student), and I were telling a patient that he has esophageal cancer. A few minutes later, I ran into my attending doctor, and that is when the day began to turn sour. She hasn't been happy lately, and made it clear that today wasn't going to be an exception. To make matters worse, she informed me we would meet this afternoon. To make matters even more worse, she wasn't pleased to hear that my senior resident was getting me out early this afternoon. And so, knowing that in the afternoon we would have a confrontation, I spent most of the morning trying to figure out what the fuck her problem is. Our team has been working well over the number of hours we should be working, discharging patients quicker than other teams, and still she constantly has issues for me and my co-intern. Which is why, I had a miserable fucking day thinking about where I'd rather be than where I was.
How did my day end? Instead of leaving at one, I left at three. Surprise. Surprise. Surprise. And, that was after being berated for 20 minutes about things that happened yesterday, and things that hadn't been done today. Being a resident can just fucking suck.
Thank God, only one more week of medicine wards