Saturday, September 22, 2007

Shared Experiences

Last night I was in Burlington, VT, chatting with Seamus (training for General Practice in Ireland), Nathaniel (Internal Medicine), and Jean (Family Practice), and it was interesting how common the experience is, regardless of where/what we were studying. I think the common thread was that residency is tough, regardless of where or what you're studying.

Seamus arrived Wednesday. Thursday we left early, ate breakfast in Woodstock, Vt, and then made our way to Mt Washington (NH), drove to the top, and then made our way to Burlington.

Just a plug for Burlington... While I think Telluride is, perhaps, the most perfect place on earth, I think Burlington is a close number two. If I ever disappear, and you want to find me, I'm sure I'll be hiding out in one of those two towns.

Anyway. Then yesterday we took the ferry across the lake, and went to Lake Placid and around the Adirondacks.

Last night, we cooked outside, and ended up having a lovely feast outside, in the dark. It was stellar.

Back to the grind now. Need to cram a bit for the exam Friday and Saturday.