M is a 12 year old whom I took care of tonight. He dislocated his pinky, at the proximal interphalangeal joint. (The joint closest to the knuckle). He was a tough kid, but even with with a digital block (numbing the finger) reducing the dislocation was proving difficult. I tried twice, the attending tried twice, and we were about to place a call to the orthopedic team to have them do it. We pleaded for one more attempt, and that's when M turned his back to us and said a very soft prayer, and viola-it went back in place.
I sutured another kid, those skills are coming back, albeit slowly. I haven't sutured since I was in South Africa back in 2003, but this is the second time I've sutured in the pedi ED. It's like riding a bike.
That's my Joya for today. Praying put joints back in place, and suturing kids.
Way past time for bed.