Who gives a fuck?
Have we forgotten that there are 35 million people living with HIV/AIDS?
Have we forgotten that there are 2.1 million children living with HIV/AIDS?
Have we forgotten that more than 2 million people die each year from AIDS?
Have we forgotten that there are 14 million AIDS orphans?
Do we not realize that there are 7,000 new infections every single day?? (Oh yeah, 1000 of those are in kids under 15 years of age).
Have we forgotten about the HUGE number of people worldwide who cling to hope that they may get access to life-saving antiretroviral medicines? I have seen people literally beg to start these medications...
For days now, I've been looking for a World AIDS Day event in Denver. There are paltry few events. December 1 will pass here as an ordinary day. And, I suspect that will be the case in most other cities in America.
But December 1, and the thought of World AIDS Day, causes me to stop in my tracks. I can't but help to think back to my experiences at Bara. Patients appear in my mind; their names may no longer be easy to recall but their faces and stories will never leave my memory. I will never forget KR's face--he was the most angelic 4 year old child I have ever seen; and I will never forget how shocked I was when I came to work one morning and found out he had died (http://javamania75.blogspot.com/2008/07/kr.html). While there were innumerable deaths, there were great success stories as well--mainly because those were the people who were able to get on ARVs. (Yes, that includes you JC- every time I think of you I recall our first meeting in clinic, and how amazing you are doing now).
As I try to write this, I flip back to old blog posts, and I get lost in this overwhelming feeling of hopelessness... Not helplessness, but hopelessness. I don't know where to go with this, but would hope that on December 1 2010, you think about those whom you know who have died from HIV/AIDS, or are living with HIV/AIDS, or think of how fortunate you are to be in a place where you would have access to treatment, or attend a World AIDS Day event, or find a way to donate (even a few bucks) to any of the bigger organizations (either those supporting events at home, or abroad). This year, I'm inspired to participate in the AIDSLifeCycle Ride (http://www.aidslifecycle.org/) in June (god willing, and i still need to buy a bike--you can also make a donation to me, but probably better to wait til spring to make sure I get a bike and get time off to ride).
That's my contribution until I can bet back to my South African home and resume my work there...