It's a 4 day weekend here, and the town will be deserted by this afternoon, me included. Cecile, Myr, Thomas and I are headed to Swaziland in a few hours. We'll stay in a B&B tonight, then hit the trail tomorrow and be back late on Monday. It'll likely be the last big hurrah... And the last backpacking trips (sniff sniff) til I'm back in Massachusetts.
The week flew by, and I meant to stop many times and make a post. But obviously the posts stayed in my head, and didn't make it here.
In a nutshell... (I'll expand on these next week, ideally).
Economics of Poverty: Sat in on a very interesting meeting where AK met with the NGO which largely funds the clinic, and was an observer to the economics of HIV/AIDS, specifically to how US funds are being used for our clinic. Some readers have read the book. I've enjoyed pointing out that I am paying for this clinic through my US tax dollars 
JC: Popped into my office yesterday, looks great. Have invited me to come to a braii and meet his family.
There seemed to be some more things, but I was due to leave the house 15 minutes ago, so better head out.
Happy Easter.