Tuesday, November 04, 2008

The Vote

All day long, it's been politics. And hearts.
If I worked really hard at it, I'm sure I could write a better post linking something philosophical about the election and my pediatric cardiology rotation. But I need to get to bed ASAP so that I can get up at 3am or so and start watching the news.
All day long, Obama is the talk. People here are waiting for results. People here are excited about the election. Somebody asked about having an election party, and when I pointed out the time difference, that thought quickly vanished.
Work has been fantastic the past 2 days. Seeing very interesting kids w/ complex heart lesions. The consultants/attendings are away at a meeting and return Thursday. So a private cardiologist has come daily to do any emergent echos, see and emergent kids. The other resident and I saw about 10 kids in clinic today. I'm actually off tomorrow, kind of nice.

I'm taking the bakkie in tomorrow for it's 120,000 kilometer check-up. Sadly will have to leave the house very early, and will then walk to the mall near the car shop, and plan on spending the day having coffee, seeing movies.
More soon, just a brief post the purpose of which was really to try to convey how SA is abuzz with US election anticipation.