Friday, August 22, 2008


I am not floating.
The thoughts in my head are.
I feel like it has been ages since I've made any significant mentions. Many things have floated through my mind today, like, oh gee, I should mention that, but then it kind of seems that the names may have changed, but the story is largely the same. Also, I think I've hit that comfort zone where things really don't phase me. For example, called to see a baby on the ward with bleeding in the mouth, show up to find the baby being coded (little momentary respiratory distress). A sodium value GREATER THAN 200!. Walking into cubicle 9 this am, which I think has all the trouble making toddlers in it, but are cute as can be, and finding to kids with taking their mercury thermometers and placing them in their mouths, and banging them on the cribs. These are the things that float through my mind as the day passes.
The mantra of today was 4pm.
It doesn't matter what the hell happens, 4 pm will arrive and then we are outta here! It's been a long week, and we're all tired and just thrilled to have a golden weekend, so at 8am this am we started the countdown until 4pm.
Now that my car is legal (and there is still a story to tell there, but I'm too superstitious to post it on the web, and there are many stories to tell about my car in general), I was thinking I'd get out of the country (just sounds cool to say that) this weekend, and hit Lesotho, or Swaziland, or Batswana. But in fact, I'm just too tired to think about driving somewhere, and decided to hold off until Sept to do more traveling on weekends. Am looking forward to a Mon-Fri schedule!
So that's about it. My lovely friends S&S have invited me out for dinner, so must get ready to head out and start the weekend off right, with a great steak and some wine and good friends.