I'm in the airport at Abu Dhabi, and I'm TIRED! I managed to watch 3 movies. Etihad is a great airline. 74 movies to choose from. I have only slept in scattered 2-3 hours allotments the past few days..
Fri night was a nice round of sendoff drink w/ friends at my favorite restaurant:
Then Karin, Ted, Jackie, and Elsa drove me to NYC, where we crashed on Lucia's floor, arriving about 2:15 am. Lucia and I went for a nice morning stroll about 6am, and then it was off to the airport. It was nice to have the gang along for moral support.
I'm not sure the balance of this blog/website and my Bara blog/website (notesfrombara.blogspot.com), but I'd check both of them. I may at times post to both, and may at times just post the more personal stuff here.