Sunday, April 01, 2007

Unlucky Socks

I wore my unlucky socks yesterday...

You see, I was on Jeopardy call yesterday. And Friday I knew I would be on the pedi ward in the morning. But I figured I would be done by noon, or 1 at the latest. I figured wearing my unlucky socks, which are these striped multi-blue socks and are fun to wear with scrubs, would be harmless.

So, at 5:45 when I finally was able to leave the hospital, I was 5 minutes out the door when I got paged back to go on a NICU transport. And of course, what should have been a simple scoop and go transport took way too long, and I finally left the hospital at 9:15 pm.

I don't mind that I spent most of my jeopardy day working. Sure, the selfish part of me really wanted to have the day free to run errands, maybe socialize, and sadly I work at 3pm today so don't really have much of a weekend at all. I took care of cool kids and nice parents yesterday, got to work with a good friend during the day, and even went to dinner in Amherst (dinner at 10pm?) and got to see some friends (work/non-work) whom I hadn't seen in AGES! What I do mind, though, is what to do about socks that I like, which are unlucky? I hadn't worn them since July, when I had an ugly on-call shift on the pedi ward... I'm guessing that they will live, forever, in my sock drawer, but it'll be a while before I wear them again.

Today is April 1st. Am starting in the Adult ER tonight at 3pm. I'm looking forward to the educational opportunity to brush up on some adult medicine topics, but have a serious mental block when it comes to thinking good thoughts about the ED in general..
