It's my favorite holiday. Forget all the bullshit that comes with most holidays, TG (thanksgiving) is about being with family and friends (and sadly, sometimes about working). I hate to admit it, but I'm sadly disappointed that it won't be with my family. I'll be spending with Patrick at his Dad's house in West Hartford, along with his sisters who will arrive from DC and New York, and a few other family members (totaling about 9). I'm looking forward to meeting his dad, and the one sister whom I have yet to meet, but at the same time I know that Jason and Nikki will be having their family TG in Colorado, Kevin and Karena will be having their TG in Thailand, Dad and Janice with the Bost Clan in Lockport, and that I'll be here, with Patrick and his family. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited to be with Patrick, but in my mind, I would be spending my TG meal in the company of assorted friends who don't have family here... Kind of weird, I can't really explain it. Suffice to say, that if you are reading this, then you are part of the group that I wish could all be together on TG. May you have a wonderful thanksgiving.