Some days you just feel yourself going through the motions. Not really paying attention to the finer details. You're there, but not present. Running on autopilot. That's me lately. Running on autopilot. It's the second time I have been stuck on autopilot, the last time was back in March. March was way worse though. I remember so badly needing to get away from it all then, and that's the weekend I went away, found a nice B&B and spent my golden weekend enjoying solitude. Golden weekend is when you're post-call on Friday (meaning work ends around noonish), and then you're free Saturday and Sunday. A golden weekend is GOLD. A prized possession. GOLD. Fantasies about how to spend the golden weekend crop up weeks before it arrives. Am I going away again? I fantasize about driving away, and spending Friday night in a B&B in the mountains, or on the coast. Or flying somewhere. Escaping from my current over-worked life. But then, as the time draws nearer, the work required to find a place to go, to pack, to drive all seem almost insurmountable. It's also tough to justify the cost, given that I have a real vacation in 3 weeks..
Blah. That's the scoop. It's almost 8pm, and I may be going to bed in a few minutes. Not to mention that I dozed on and off all day today while we were in the car. I've even avoided caffeine to make sure I sleep soundly tonight.
That's my story.