One of the things that I realized tonight that I miss about living in Dublin is having people over for tea. Pretty simple. Come over, brew some tea, and chat. It was easy in Dublin because people lived so close to one another. There was no need to spend half an hour driving to get to someone's flat. That brings up the other issue: Driving. I dropped off the liberty to the auto body shop this morning (to fix the dent that I made while four wheeling back in May). So, I've been without a car for the whole day, which has actually been kind of liberating. Liberating not having the liberty-pun kind of intended. I'm kind of sick a driving everywhere. Want to know what's gross, I have almost 21000 miles on the liberty, ALREADY. Where to feck have I driven? Sure, some long trips here and there, but most of that driving has been just driving around finding places to have coffee or to meet up with friends. When really,I am sure it would be more pleasurable to hang out in my own flat, drinking my own coffee with friends, and saving a few bob here and there... Just a passing thought.
Vacation starts Saturday morning. Thank God!