5 am.
20 hours down.
3 to go.
Wait, that math doesn't add up. I'm guessing it is 21 hours down, cause I know it's at least 3 to go. Saturday on-call on the pedi ward. And things clicked today. Somewhere, a magical switch was flipped, and things made sense. I didn't get that twinge in my stomach when the pager went off while my senior resident is asleep. I told the attending what I wanted to do for the kids I am taking care of. I had 11 kids to round on today, and have admitted 5 more. I didn't view the admission as "more work" or bullshit dumps from the ED, but as a chance for more fun. What the hell, I'm up to 13 kiddos on my team. I kind of like the idea of having a ward full of kids. So far, they are all cool kids, nice parents. Lots of bread a butter admits-it's RSV bronchiolitis season. But also a few kids on chemo. When I had a sick 5 day old to admit, it was nuttin after a month in the NICU. Just been one of those days where being a resident is fun...
I had grandiose plans to finish my move after work this morning, go for a run, unpack at my new place, get groceries, but all I can think about it crawling into bed. Oh wait.. my bed is still in the old flat. Damn.