Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Post-Call Mania (PCM for short)

I love being post call. It's the best part of being on call. The thought of working 24-30 hour shifts brings to mind images of pain and suffering of junior doctors. And while there may be lots of pain and suffering during those hours (hopefully on the part of the doctors, not the patients), post-call can be pleasant. For instance, I get PCM. I bet people released form prison or a bad evening with their in-laws get the same feeling. FREEDOM! I've suffered for X hours with little contact with the outside world, in an environment, which I may or may not like, but one which restricts my freedom. Now that I'm free, I'm going to make up for "wasted" time. (I say "wasted" cause while I don't consider being on call "wasted" time, it is time at work, and in my mind that's time that I can't be doing all the other things that I could be doing if I were a trustifarian. PS, Dad if you're reading this, I'm not bitter about not being a trustifarian).

So, this is how my mind works. Regardless of how much or how little sleep I get on call, about an hour before freedom, I begin to make a mental list of all the things I can get done as soon I get in my Jeep. This can be difficult when nurses are trying to interrupt me to tell me that some kiddo looks kind of blue, but being a doctor is all about multi-tasking...

So, today this is my list:
1) Run home, get gym bag and first load of stuff to take to new flat
2) Get coffee
3) Drop off stuff in new flat
4) Organize, in my mind, how I'm going to arrange furniture in the new flat
5) Go to the gym
6) Check PO Box
7) Wonder where to get coffee next
8) Back to work (ARGH!) to pick up a box of oranges that I ordered
9) Still thinking about coffee
10) Call Jay and Jen-partners in crime, make plans for coffee, shopping, lunch.
11) Update blog
12) Write down rest of things to do: Buy shoes, clean apartment, make lunch for tomorrow, research peru trip, work on international health project for work, go out for coffee, read all of my 2000 page pediatric text, read all of my 1700 page medicine text book, go out for coffee, clear out my email inboxes, write a few letters, read the 4 books that I've been meaning to read for ages-while having more coffee, develop film, find a marathon to run, write a letter to my former dentist telling him he has no ethics. And this is just the list BEFORE dinner.

See! PCM! What's going to really happen... not much :)

PS, I just realized today is TUESDAY!