Friday, January 27, 2006

Back in MA

I had a great, restful, trip to the Midwest. Forgot how damn nice people are out there. Yeah, that's a slam against the East Coast. What can I say, I had a bunch of random conversations with strangers; at the store this morning with my grandpa, buying a Carhart shirt, at the pubs with my uncle, and at the airport tonight.

It's kind of late, I don't know why I'm up. Everybody in Chicago will comment on how sleep deprived I look, when in fact I was just coffee deficient. One of the pedi ER Docs I worked with has a funny saying about kids with fevers, "Know what that kid's diagnosis is?" No. "Ibuprofen deficiency." I finally got caught up on sleep (more than 8 hours one night), and caught up on email, and even read a little bit for the NICU.

I've included a new link, one for Stop They are launching a global campaign to eradicate TB. Of course TB is an issue that is very important to me. I still kind of hate the stigma associated with having had TB. For instance, I went to a new dentist a few weeks ago, and had to fill out one of those medical history forms, which, of course asks about TB. And I always debate checking the box, I mean I'm cured (or so I hope I am). Well, the dentist thought I was mistakenly checked the box saying, "oh, were you exposed to TB?" To which I replied, "Well yeah, I guess I was. And then I had full blown pleural TB." The look on her face was priceless. If I could describe it, it would be: Healthy white boy resident doctor had that disease? Stigma. Stigma. Have a look around on the web site. It has lots of great information. Also, FYI: March 24th is World TB Day.

Well, I really should go unpack now. And get some sleep. I'm in clinic all day tomorrow. I'm eager to see the kiddo I wrote about earlier. I hope he shows up. I have good news for him and his family.